South Baden Retail Chain Boosts Marketing Efficiency and Employee Engagement with Keaz WhatsApp Integration

Retail Chain in South Baden Harnesses Keaz to Streamline Marketing and Enhance Employee Training via WhatsApp





Haslach im Kinzigtal, South Baden (10 locations)

Company Size

50 - 100 employees

The Challenge

Effectively positioning unique selling propositions (USPs) to the appropriate target groups, ensuring efficient and effective marketing implementation without losing focus, maximizing marketing efforts with available personnel, maintaining high inventory turnover despite reduced customer spending, adapting to climate and economic changes affecting sales, and managing unforeseen events.

What convinced the customer to use Keaz?

What is the customer's No. 1 problem that Keaz solves?

The need for quick, effective placement of marketing content directly to customers, and the potential to use Keaz for advancing employee development through automated training sessions.

What exactly made the customer choose Keaz?

The flexibility and effectiveness of Keaz to reach a broad customer base and manage target-specific marketing, along with its potential for internal training and development.

What is the customer's outcome from using Keaz?

While substantial outcomes are yet to be recorded due to initial underutilization, the expected benefits include streamlined marketing operations and enhanced employee training capabilities.

“Wir haben schon lange nach einer Alternative zum klassischen E-Mail Newsletter gesucht, da dieser von unsere Kunden kaum noch gelesen wurde. WhatsApp Newsletter sind daher ideal, um schnell und effektiv mit unseren Kunden zu kommunizieren. Keaz ermöglicht uns eine einfache Verwaltung. “

Marcel Breig

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Customers use cases

Use Case 1: Direct marketing through WhatsApp, tailoring content to specific customer segments.

Use Case 2: Automating employee training and development through Keaz, utilizing contacts for scheduled training sessions.

Use Case 3: Enhancing customer service and interaction through Live Chat functionalities.

Customers success indicators

Potential to significantly improve direct marketing response rates.

Expected increase in employee engagement through automated training.


Despite early challenges with full integration and server stability, the retail chain's strategic adoption of Keaz is poised to transform their marketing and employee development processes. The ability to directly communicate with customers and centralize operations through a single platform offers a promising avenue for overcoming their operational challenges and improving overall business efficiency. As they continue to expand their use of Keaz's features, measurable success indicators are anticipated to follow.

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